Tag: company

Imports from the European Union (Using EU A / EAD / Export Declarations)

HAULIERS will be required to obtain a UK Government Gateway account and register for the new GVMS System. Hauliers should register for GVMS now, this is available to all...

Moving goods between the rest of the world and Northern Ireland from 31 October 2021

We’ve previously written to you to advise that the temporary contingency that allows you to use the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system for rest of...

Guidance On Correcting Issues With IPAFFS

From 1st of January 2022 an IPAFFS pre-notification is required for each consignment arriving from the EU containing products of animal origin and animal by-products. Based on the current...

Green Practices

The directors of smart are extemely active in the race against time across the globe for the reduction of plastics which threatens our planet, and are working closely with...